You're pretty.I barely say that straight to any girls but you know, here I am. Saying that to you. And no need to thank me for noticing. It's for free.
Just smile and it's more than enough.
I like that
mole on your chin.
It's cute. Hope to have one on my chin too.
Anyway, wow! I admire those girls who recognize their flaws. Aside from being honest, where did the courage hail from?
Most girls will just act like shit don't phase them but inside, it's killing them. And they're already dying.
I'm glad you're different.I will tell you a funny story about my insecurity before.
I'm the youngest in our family. 3 guys and 2 girls.
When I was in fifth grade, I asked my dad...
"Why am I small? Kuya Rob is younger than Kuya Trez then why do they have the same height?"
Dad: "It's because your hormones' progress is slow."
I replied: "How will I make it fast? I want to be taller than both of them. Dad, please tell me what to do."
Dad: "You need to have enough sleep."
And then I answered: "Ok then, I'm now going to bed. Don't tell them. *in a low voice* it's just our secret."
Hehe. Funny no?
Insecurity is just something that's there all the time.
I've never been crippled by it. It gives me strength to dominate them. And proudly say... "hey ya, who's the best now?"
You should be glad that you're tall. That was my greatest wish once upon a time.
And yeah,
you're beautiful...
If not, then why am I here making an entry for
you ...exclusively.