Monday, February 9, 2009

Side Comments

Thanks for violent reactions.

"Wah pink? Dehr many colows in duh wold. Tha wownt fit yah."
(Why pink? There are many colors in the world. That won't fit you.
) -MJ

All colors are appropriate for me. I'm just feeling cool. KEWLNESS is in the air. Pink is chilly. Real men use pink. It will fit any of us. Pink is the favorite color of your brother, don't you remember? Pink is not only for girls. Besides, was that pink? I don't know. I just find it nice. Isn't it? And before I forgot, last time I borrowed a pen from you. You gave me a PINK PEN that you bought last month. Are you crazy? Now you're asking why pink.

"Uh nooh weit. Yow a gai. Thas wah yeh downt like meih. Ha-ha. Jus messin yeh. Weehee."
(I knew it. You're a gay. That's why you don't like me. Ha-ha. Just messing you. Weehee.) -Ardille

Even if that's black, brown or blue... I don't think I will like you. Ha-ha. Just messing you. Woohoo. Kidding. :D

"Yow faivoryt colow ais blow. Maybeih yeh changed yoh mind cuz yeh oweiz buyh pink stuffs lek pink girly pouch un pink towels."
(Your favorite color is blue. Maybe you changed your mind 'coz you always buy pink stuffs like pink girly pouch and pink towels.) -Matt

Those were my sister's stuffs. She asked me to buy because she knew that we're going to Bullring. Excuse me, I don't use "pink girly pouch" that's obvioulsy for a girl. Stupid.

"Wow nice! Who's the lucky girl?" -Pau

I like your mind. I will tell you soon.

"...wala na. Ok na kasi..." -Jhen

Thank you very much for your support. Haha.

"Bravo!" -Vaughn

Bravo yourself.

"Cool. Wag mo pakita sa iba baka..." -Joset

You said that. Right? Thanks. That's the only thing I remember. Daldal kasi. Baka mainggit yata yun. Tama ba? Haha.

"...aayyy! Nakakainis gusto ko rin ng ganyan kalaki. Tapos ang galing ng header mo, gawa mo nga ako. Ang epal naunahan mo ako. Epal naman. Ang landi pa ng header nito..." -JA

She said a lot of comments. I wasn't able to memorize everything. It was even longer compared to President Obama's speech. Haha. I miss you, JA. Thanks for the good feedback and for cheering me even if thinking you as a cheerleader irritates me to death.

"Yes naman pink. Parang si baklang Charlotte lang ha. Hihi. Pero maganda promise." -CJ

Talk to yourself.

"Cool. That's nice. How'd you do that? And for whom? Hmmm?" -My sister, Reich.


I can't recall everything. It was just nice to know that almost everyone seems to appreciate it though some were just being stupid.

I think my friends love it.

I hope you do, too.